ProductsTube, pipe and BarClad Metal Pipe, Tube and Bar

Clad Metal Pipe, Tube and Bar

Clad material (clad metal) is made by joining dissimilar metals. By combining metals of different properties it acquires unique characteristics that cannot be maintained with one material. By this way, we can enhance functional properties of product components such as weight reduction, corrosion resistance, and control thermal expansion coefficient.

We has long been working on manufacturing metal clad pipes and clad hollow bars with high dimensional accuracy by cold drawing, and is characterized by the technology that joins materials very strong such as diffusion bonding. In addition, various cross-section shapes can be produced, from round-bar shapes to pipes and irregular-shape materials, and the ratio of cross-sectional area can be changed freely using our own method so as to meet all requirements and challenges of its customers.

Some tips for useful combination of functional characteristics of clad materials
● Conductivity x Lightweightness
● Strength x Conductivity
● Corrosion Resistance x Lightweightness
● Thermal Conductivity x Strength
● Magnetic Property x Conductivity
● X-ray Opacity x Conductivity
● Biocompatibility x Strength

Types and applications of clad rods and wires

Usage Material Properties
Outer Core material
Plating electrode Titanium Copper and Aluminum

Corrosion resistance x Electrical conductivity

Electrode for
Stainless Steel
and Titanium
Copper and Aluminum

Corrosion resistance x Electrical conductivity

Dumet Wire Copper Ni Alloy

Conductivity x Strength

Lightning Rod Copper Carbon Steel

Conductivity x Strength

Voice coil Copper Aluminum

Conductive x Lightweight

Washer Carbon Steel Aluminum

Strength, weldability x light weight

Types and applications of clad tubing

Equipment Material Fluid
Outer tube inner tube Outer inner
Ammonia Condenser Low carbon steel Copper and copper alloys Ammonia Water
Oil refinery Low Carbon Steel Copper Oil Water
Coke Cooler Low Carbon Steel Copper and Copper Alloys Naphthalene, etc. Water
Pump piping Low carbon steel Copper alloy Air or Soil Water
Ammonia Condenser Chillers Copper and copper alloys Low carbon steel Water Ammonia
Scientific Condensers Stainless Steel Cupronickel Chemicals Water
Beverage, cosmetics, medicine,
food, plastic industry, etc.
Stainless Steel
Copper or copper alloy Raw materials Water

Various shaped clad tube and bar / Metal composite material

Cold drawn irregular-shape clad hollow bar materials can also be used for materials with various cross-sectional shapes. We provide unique and highly functional materials for special purposes, that cannot be emulated by our competitors.

Various shaped clad tube and bar / Metal composite material

Development of new components and functional materials with multi-layer clad pipes

Multi-layer clad hollow bar materials are constructed with two or more layers, adding more complex functions. Utilizing various processing technologies such as joint adjustment of specially shaped multi-layer clad pipes, heat treatment, cutting, and bending, we handle everything from manufacturing to analytical tests that requires high level of in-house technology. We promptly respond to our customers’ requests, from material development, product design of new materials, to solving problems of existing materials.

Development of new components and functional materials with multi-layer clad pipes

Materials Processing

  • Cold drawn
  • Swaging process
  • Metal straightening
  • Correction
  • Cutting process
  • Heat treatment
  • Solvent degreasing process
  • Polishing


  • Thinning
  • High dimensional accuracy
  • Quality stable
  • Thermal conductivity
  • Thinning out

Industrial fields

  • Medical equipment
  • Electrode

New Products & Tech

In addition to information on new products, we introduce our knowledge of functional materials and processing technologies and metallic material analysis and evaluation technologies that Kansai Pipe Industry has cultivated over the years. Please make use of this information to support your research and development and solve your manufacturing issues.

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